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HomeLWV HA Nonpartisan Policy

LWV Holland Area Nonpartisan Policy

  • Members shall not undertake any activity which may constitute a public statement of partisan position that could be attributed to the League.
  • Once the LWV (local, state, or national League of Women Voters) takes a position on an issue, members may not identify themselves as LWV members in publicly expressing an opinion that is in opposition to a LWV position.
  • Members may serve on any public board, commission, committee, or coalition; however, that member does not represent the LWV unless officially designates as a LWV representative by the LWV board.
  • Members who lead studies should not have conflicts of interest or partisan biases which would affect the objective conduct of information gathering and analysis.
  • Only petitions approved by the board of directors may be circulated at LWV meetings.
  • The LWV member roster may not be made available for non-League use without board consent.
League of Women Voters of Holland Area
P.O. Box 3183
Holland, MI  49422-3183

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