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HomeState & Federal Officials


Resources for contacting elected officials:

Find your Michigan Legislator

Locate your state legislator and email address, follow legislative action

Allegan County Cities, Townships and Villages

Find your local elected officials, including boards and commissions

Ottawa County Directory

Includes a listing of all elected officials, including board, commissions and courts

10 Tips for Contacting your Elected Officials

Clear guidelines for contacting your elected officials from Berkeley Library, University of California

Contacting your Elected Officials

Comprehensive guidelines for contacting government officials

from Berkeley Library, University of California

Have you considered running for an elected office?
Here are local resources to help you get started:

Running for Office - Allegan County
Running for Office - Ottawa County




Your State and Federal Elected Officials

Who represents you? How can you contact your representative?


U.S. Legislators

U.S. Senate

U.S. House of Representatives

Michigan 3rd District: Hillary Scholten (D)
Michigan 4th District
Bill Huizenga (R) 



Michigan Legislators

Click here to locate your district.

 Michigan Senate

Michigan House of Representatives 




League of Women Voters of Holland Area
P.O. Box 3183
Holland, MI  49422-3183

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