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HomeLocal League History and Officers

Holland Area League History


The League of Women Voters of the Holland Area (LWVHA) has a long and active history – in fact, we celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2019!


Planning and organizing began in 1968 by a small group of dedicated and determined women, including JoAnn Brooks, Lyn Counihan, Eleanor de Kruif, Rosanna Black and Rachel VanderWerf. One of the requirements for formation of a local LWV chapter was to begin with 45 members. Since the membership was not that large in the beginning, the indefatigable women joined the already established Grand Haven Tri-Cities League as a regionally cooperative unit. However, interest and membership grew and October 16, 1970 the League of Women Voters of the Holland Area became a full-fledged league. The Holland League encouraged male members after the national League of Women Voters (LWVUS) voted to allow men to join in 1974. Today, our membership includes several men who are active and contributing members.


Over its history, the LWVHA has taken positions on very prescient local topics after study, discussion and consensus. The Holland League supported a system of social services in Ottawa County to provide financial assistance for citizens; eventually a local vocational center was created. The LWVHA also encouraged the formation of a Master Plan of zoning and planning for Holland, Zeeland and surrounding townships, which included consideration of taxes, utilities, traffic, schools, recreation and preservation of historical sites and natural beauty spots. This encouragement of regional cooperation was the precursor of the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council (MACC) and other regional planning efforts.


When asked why she joined the league, JoAnn Brooks, a founding LWVHA member, stated, “The times and the timing were just right! It was the late 60’s; women’s issues were dominant and when they asked friends and neighbors to come to a series of lunches to learn about the League of Women Voters, every one of them joined.”


The LWVHA continues to generate interest and energy that will keep it vital for years. Voter registration and candidate forum efforts remain strong. We are working to increase diversity among our members and to reach out collaboratively to partner with like-minded organizations in areas such as natural resources. Here’s to the next 100 years!

Based on league history written by Nicki Arendshorst, Bonnie Gronberg and Marilyn Schmidt in 2019.

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League of Women Voters of Holland Area
P.O. Box 3183
Holland, MI  49422-3183

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