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HomePorter Award

2024 Porter Award winner: Johnny Rodriguez, president and CEO of LAUP, Latin Americans United for Progress.

The Fred and Shirley Porter Award

The Fred and Shirley Porter Award is given annually by the League of Women Voters of the Holland Area to individuals who symbolize the League's mission and who exemplify civic leadership.

Porter Award Description

The purpose of the League of Women Voters is to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. The Fred and Shirley Porter Award is given annually by the League of Women Voters of the Holland Area to individuals who symbolize the League's mission and who exemplify civic leadership.

Fred and Shirley served the League of Women Voters in Illinois, in Michigan and in the local Holland Area League. Their unassuming leadership style, and willingness to take on any task was an inspiration to other LWVHA members. They personally exemplified initiative and encouragement of civic responsibility for the common good.

The Board of the League of Women Voters of Holland chooses recipients based upon the above criteria. Awards nominations are presented at the annual membership meeting in May.

Porter Award Recipients


Johnny Rodriguez, president and CEO of LAUP, Latin Americans United for Progress. Johnny has included the League in the work LAUP does with their citizenship class and invited the League to attend events and offer voter registration and information. He has made it a top priority to increase voter participation among Latin Americans in the Holland area.


Mike Daitch and Don Sheill, Holland Area League of Women Voters, for their work to rebuild the LWVHA Observer Corps. Their hard work and hours of observation of local governmental meetings  have inspired others to join them, observing and reporting on issues and decisions that impact us close to home.


Cathy Brockington,, Holland Area League of Women Voters, for her many years of work on Allegan County's VOTE411 and her support of Voter Services activities to inform voters and encourage voter participation.


Barb Ferguson, Website and Social Media Director, Holland Area League of Women Voters, for her work on the League website and social media platforms to increase the visibility of the LWVHA.


Christina (Tina) Pawlak, Voter Service Chair, Holland Area League of Women Voters, for going above and beyond to carry out the League's mission of voter engagement via candidate forums, voter registration etc. in the face of a global pandemic.


Steven Diatch, Ottawa County Elections Coordinator, for his outstanding support and training on Michigan's newly revised election laws. His enthusiasm and readiness to support the League's efforts to increase voter registration was exceptional.


Martha Winsche and Deirdre Toeller-Novak received the 2018 Porter Award for their enthusiastic and very successful local leadership of the petition drive for “Voters Not Politicians” which was then placed on the Michigan ballot (and won voter approval!)


Margaret (Peggy) Boyce, a long-time LWVHA member served in many capacities, most notably her tireless efforts to bring LWV-sponsored candidate forums to the Saugatuck-Douglas political arena.






Jessica Fuentes, a staff member at LAUP (Latin Americans United for Progress), who went “above and beyond” to assist with the Hispanic Youth Leadership workshop hosted by LWV-HA. 


Angelica Ross and Diana Hernandez, Holland High students and youth members of the Human Relations Commission, for their voter registration drive. 

Shannon Garrett, for her efforts as Co-founder of VoteRunLead, a national organization that supports and encourages women to become involved as political leaders.


Justin Roebuck, Elections Coordinator, Ottawa County and Jean McFadden, Holland LWV member, for their efforts to increase voter registration opportunities and to train election observers.


Hope students LaShawn Donelson, Iliana Garcia, Jasmine Harris, and Bonnie Jansma, who assisted with voter registration, translation of ballot proposals, and outreach with LAUP.


JoAnne Brooks, Helena Winter & Kay Donnelly, founders and early members of the Holland Area LWV.


Carol McGeehan, Suzanne Dixon & Sara Leeland, Holland Area LWV members for their tireless efforts on behalf of environmental issues.


Arlene Sherman, long time LWV member who was very active in a host of civic activities in the Saugatuck area.


Shannon Craig & Nicole VanDerKolk, Hope students who assisted with voter registration and candidate forums.


Lindsey Boeve, West Ottawa student, who organized a voter registration drive which registered many new high school voters.

Porter Memorial Fund Endowment Donations

In July 2015, Patricia Porter Walczak and Henry F. Walczak created an endowment fund with the Community Foundation of Holland/Zeeland (CFHZ) in memory of Fred and Shirley Porter who were long-time members of the Holland Area League of Women Voters. Proceeds from the endowment fund will be used by our local League for the following activities:

  1. Voter Service
  2. Voter Education Projects
  3. Environmental Education
  4. Membership Scholarships
  5. Other voter education issues

Individuals wishing to contribute to the Porter Memorial Fund for the League of Women Voters of the Holland Area may do so by making gifts payable to the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area, indicating it is for the Porter Memorial Fund. Checks can be mailed to:

Community Foundation of Holland/Zeeland (CFHZ)

85 E. 8th Street, Suite 110

Holland, MI 49423

League of Women Voters of Holland Area
P.O. Box 3183
Holland, MI  49422-3183

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