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HomeVoter Education Programs
voter education

The League of Women Voters offers voter education programs

The League of Women Voters' Education Fund conducts voter service and citizen education activities. It is a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organization, which:

Builds citizen participation in the democratic process.

Studies key community issues at all government levels in an unbiased manner.

Enables people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.

LWV Holland Area Voter Education Presentations Available

Would you like someone from the League of Women Voters to come to your group to give a presentation? We can provide a speaker and a 30- minute presentation on the topic of "Finding Non-Partisan Candidate Information" or other similar topics. Please Contact Us to get further information.

Voter Registration Assistance

Are you planning an event where it would be helpful to have a Voter Registration Booth? The League of Women Voters of the Holland Area can assist with that! Please Contact Us to get further information.


Presentations are made possible through the League of Women Voters Education Fund.

Donations to the Education Fund, a 501(c)(3)corporation, are fully tax-deductible where allowed by law.

League of Women Voters of Holland Area
P.O. Box 3183
Holland, MI  49422-3183

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